145 N - 200 W
Raymond , AB T0K 2S0
June 14th, 2023
In attendance:
Jerry Salmon, Natalie Ball, Hydee Edwards, Jasmine Olsen, Nicole Stone, Katie Nelson, Marisa Wight, Bonnie Fromm, Cheri Gilbert, Bailey Kado, Caitlin Jensen, Erin Salmon
Principal’s Business
-Back to School BBQ/ Duck Race Fundraiser
Thursday, September 21st @4-4:30 Perret Park & Meet the Teacher and Picnic afterwards at the park.
Cake Auction and Dance Review
-about $940 raised. Approximately 125 people came. May is a busy time so possibly next year trying out February 12th Valentines themed. Julie Vereschagin was awesome as the DJ!
Vote on Bylaw Changes
4.5.1 vote unanimous – passed vote unanimous – passed
4.6.1 vote unanimous – passed
5.4 vote unanimous – passed
8.2.6 vote unanimous – passed
8.3.2 vote unanimous – passed
8.5.1 vote unanimous – passed
18.4 vote unanimous – passed
Elect New Council Members
Two year positions:
-Chairman: Hydee Edwards (Cheri Gilbert nominated, Nicole Stone seconded)
-Co-Chairman: Cheri Gilbert (Jasmine Olsen nominated, Bailey Kado seconded)
-Treasurer: Caitlin Jensen (Bailey Kado nominated, Cheri Gilbert seconded)
-Communications Director: Bailey Kado (Jasmine Olsen nominated, Marisa Wight seconded)
-Volunteer Coordinator: Marisa Wight (Jasmine Olsen nominated, Bonnie Fromm seconded)
-Event Coordinator:
One Year Positions:
-Pre-School Rep:
-Kindergarten Rep: Katie Nelson
-Grade 1: Eden Wirzba
-Grade 2
-Grade 3: Erin Salmon
-Grade 4: Katie Ford-Hofer
-Grade 5
-Grade 6: Bonnie Fromm
-Members at large (only if all other positions are filled)
Financial Review-Caitlin Jensen
$1400 Council funds going into next year
Possibly passing on Healthy Snack Fridge to RES next school year
Meeting Schedule & Next years Events
BBQ, Christmas Market (Nov 18th), Cake Auction/Dance (Feb 12th) Parent/Teacher Night Classes (less class options and have schedule before teacher sign up go up online), Teacher Appreciation (teacher lunch in classrooms covered, trial with one day a week to see how it goes with parent volunteers)
Other Business
-Screen Time in the school
-Looking into alternatives for lunch time
-Council- need to get Westwind approved WiFi
Next Meeting. Aug
145 N - 200 W
Raymond , AB T0K 2S0