145 N - 200 W
Raymond , AB T0K 2S0
The Purpose of the Healthy Snack Fridge (HSF)
Things to know:
The HSF came to be 3 years ago, in 2015. Raymond Elementary School Council members found grants and the means to purchase this wonderful fridge. Then, they were able to start the process of getting donations to fill the fridge with healthy snacks for the school year.
The HSF runs purely by volunteers and donations. Tina Hall is the HSF coordinator. She plans, organizes and purchases the snacks. She also helps prepare the snacks each week. To find parent volunteers to help prepare the snacks, Tina has a committee. This committee has members assigned over each grade level, grades 1-6. The committee consists of: Lyndsi Coppieters (gr 1), Leslie Snee (gr 2), Tina Hall (gr 3), Tasha Reeve(gr 4), Chelle Jensen (gr 5).
This year, the snack preparation will be organized by grade level. Each month a different grade is responsible for snack prep. There will be some overlap. The committee will need to find parents who can help prep once or twice in a certain month.
For example:
November grade 6’s
December grade 5’s
January grade 4’s
February grade 3’s
March grade 2’s
April grade 1’s
May grade 6’s again
June grade 5’s again
This fridge is being well used. What a wonderful thing. Our kids are choosing to eat healthy snacks!
Thank you to those who have already donated their time and made monetary donations. Both are equally valuable.
The Healthy Snack Fridge is always accepting monetary donations. If you find you can donate, stop by the RES office and fill out a donation form (also available under documents on this website), put it in a provided envelope and place it in the black mailbox.
A special thanks to Raymond Dental, Snow’s Pharmacy and Broadway Dental for their very generous donations.
145 N - 200 W
Raymond , AB T0K 2S0