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RES Council Minutes March 13, 2024

RES Council

March 13, 2024

In attendance: Hydee Edwards, Jerry Salmon, Bonnie Fromm, Cheri Gilbert, Erin Salmon, Katie Ryan, Jasmine Olsen, Eden Wirzba, Katie Nelson, Marisa Wight


Principals Business

-School Supplies- School supplies will be provided by school. Additional cost to be added to school fees.


ASCA Resolutions Voting:

Section 1

P24-01: Integrate Climate and Biodiversity Education Throughout Curriculum from K-12 majority no

P24-02: Funding for More Assessments of Learning Disabilities majority yes

P24-03: Improving Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in Alberta Classrooms and Shared majority no

P24-04: Equity in Playground Funding majority yes

P24-05: Preserving Safe and Inclusive Spaces for 25LGBTQI+ Students majority no

P24-06: Resource Support for French Immersion Teachers (Available before Implementation of Curriculum Changes) majority no

P24-07: Enhanced Reporting of and Support for Class Size and Complexity majority yes

Section 2

A24-01: Maintain Advocacy Policies: 94-8, 02-15, 03-9, 04-15, 14-3 majority yes

A24-02: Amend Advocacy Policies: 02-13, 02-12, and 02-04; and Revise ASCA Advocacy Policies 03-07 and 08-06 majority yes


Parent Engagement Night

-March 21st 4-7pm

Other Business:

- Bank account access- Vote to have Hannah Nelson taken off and adding Hydee Edwards. [all vote yes]

- Family Movie Night May 31st

- Grade 6 Celebration

- ASCA Conference April 26-28th

Next Council Meeting April 17th @ 8:30 am


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